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Monday, 28 September 2020

Social Science Modual For 6 to 8 Teachere Second Phase Training

Social Science Modual For 6 to 8 Teachere Second Phase Training

What is a study conclusion?  

This is the result of learning the general Gujarati meaning of Nishpati (Learning Outcome).  

Learning Outcomes The knowledge and skills to be acquired by the end of the study year.  

The knowledge and skills acquired describe what will be useful to them.  The study outcome determines what the student needs to know. The study establishes what is going to be learned at the end of the unit.  

Why study conclusions?  

To get the desired result - to describe the purpose of the activities - to identify the methods to be used - to determine how the success will be measured - To describe what skills and abilities are to be developed in students - To develop an independent level of student proficiency - Provides guidelines for curriculum development - Helps to determine teaching strategies 


Download Modules - Click Here

Curriculum expectations in social sciences  The following curriculum will enable the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet the subject expectations. 

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Identify ways in which political, social and economic issues affect their daily lives over time and space.  

To give an understanding of the earth as the habitat of human beings and other living beings, to get acquainted with one's own region,.

Understand the interdependence between different regions (from local to global) and the expansion of resources and their conservation.  

To understand the historical developments that have taken place during different periods of Indian history.  

Understand how historians study the past using Maine-type sources. 

Understand the historical diversity to link the development of one place / region with the development of another place / region.  To assimilate the Indian Constitution and its important values ​​in daily life.  

To create awareness about the functioning of Indian democracy, its institutions and processes at the local, state and federal levels.  

Familiarity with the socio-economic role of organizations such as family, market and government. 

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