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Monday, 9 November 2020

Hindu Panchang 2021 Download

Hindu Panchang 2021 Download

Hindu Panchang 2021 Download

Panchang which is additionally referred to as Panchangam is employed to denote five elements of Vedic Astrology, namely Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana and Var i.e. weekday. These five elements when combined for each day are referred to as Panchang. These five elements change a day with the movement of the Moon and therefore the Sun. Hence, followers of Hinduism refer Panchangam on day to day basis. Panchang is additionally referred to as Hindu calendar .

Drik Panchang is one among the foremost reputed Panchangam available on Internet. it's been made available for Android devices with similar features and precision as that of This native Panchang, which does not need Internet connectivity to use, comes with following features. Read also: How to Creat DA bill on SAS update

Grid Calendar - 

The grid are often customized for calendar also as for solar calendars including Bengali Panjika, Malayalam Panchangam, Oriya Panji and Tamil Panchangam. Lunar calendars are often customized by selecting Purnimanta and Amanta option and by selecting Vikrama Samvata, Shaka Samvata and Gujarati Samvata options. These selections can convert a calendar into a Gujarati Panchang, Telugu Panchanga or Kannada Panchangam.

Festivals - 

Drik Panchang is that the most comprehensive source which lists most Hindu and Indian festivals, Government Holidays, Jayanti, fasting days including Ekadashi, Sankashti, Pradosham, Purnima, Sankranti, Durgashtami and Shivaratri days for every month. Drik Panchang lists all Chandra Grahan and Surya Grahan dates within the year. Read also: Now link your mobile number from Aadhaar in easy steps from home, learn how

Kundali Support - 

Drik Panchang comes with Kundali support and it can generate Lagna, Navamsha, Surya, Chandra and Shukra Kundali for any date, time and site . For Lagna Kundali it shows detailed planetary position for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, True Rahu, True Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Hindu Panchang 2021 Download

The Kundali are often drawn either in North Indian or South Indian chart format. Kundali are often Saved, Edited, Deleted or Opened with the assistance of Kundali editor. Each Kundali is tagged with running Dasha and Antardasha. Kundali comes with an choice to explore detailed Dasha and Antardasha for next 120 years.

Dainika Panchangam - 

aside from listing five basic elements of Panchangam, detailed Dainika Panchang highlights Panchaka, Ganda Moola, Bhadra, Vinchudo and every one auspicious Yoga including Ravi, Amrita, Sarvartha Siddhi, Tripushkara, Dwipushkara, Ravi Pushya and Guru Pushya for every day. Read also: Homemade ways to identify pure desi ghee.

Dainika Panchangam also lists Abhijit Muhurta, Amrit Kalam, Rahu Kalam, Gulikai Kalam, Yamaganda, Dur Muhurtam, Varjyam and Anandadi Yoga.

Muhurta Table - 

Drik Panchang comes with day and night Choghadiya, Shubh Horai and Udaya Lagna. Each running Muhurta is shown with count timer.

Vedic Timer - 

Vedic time which is additionally referred to as Ishtakal is provided to trace time as per Vedic Era of Hinduism. In Vedic time, every day (from sunrise to sunrise) is split into Ghati, Pala and Vipala almost like Hour, Mins and Secs. In Vedic time keeping, 60 Ghati makes each day , 60 Pala makes a Ghati and 60 Vipala makes a Pala. At Sunrise timers shows 00:00:00 and at Sunset it shows 30:00:00. Read also: This way check if the milk coming to your house is pure or not.

Horoscope Match - 

App are often wont to match two horoscopes supported Ashta Kuta. Each matched horoscope result's saved for future reference.

Download panchang from here

Add Tithi - 

User defined Tithi are often added to Panchang with recursive reminder as per Hindu date or Gregorian date.

Localization - 

App supports all major Indian languages including Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil or Telugu with English because the default language. Read also: Easily check whether the honey is genuine or fake at home

Location - 

Panchang are often generated for any location and city across the world to urge correct date for Upavasa and festivals. App comes with in-built DST support and there's no got to adjust timings for DST.

Theme - 

By default classic theme is about which is predicated on traditional Indian colors. However, it are often changed to modern looking themes which are available red, green and blue colors.


• wrong Purnima/Amavasya icon bug fixed
• changes to comply with GDPR & CCPA policies

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