As shown in Appendix (1) and Appendix (2) as per Section-13 (1) of Gujarat Panchayat Act, 30 out of 31 District Panchayats of Rajath, 30 Districts, Term of Panchayats dated 31/12/2050, 01 District Panchayat Term dated.
Term of 9 taluka panchayats out of 31 taluka panchayats on 31/12/2020, term of 01 taluka panchayat on 01/12/2020 and term of other 01 taluka panchayats Completed on 5/01/2018.
Pursuant to Section 13 (1), Section 13 (1) (a) and Section 13 of the Gujarat Panchayat Act, the term of the Panchayats shall be from the first sitting to 3 years and the right to hold general elections before the expiry of the term is vested in the State Election Commission. As per the declaration of the State Election Commission dated 12/10/2020 on the number
(1) taken in the reading, "Assessing the current situation of Kovid 15, the circumstances of the present natural calamity are exceptional and exceptional, so that the Commission concludes that the Panchayat By holding timely elections in 31 District Panchayats and 231 Taluka Panchayats in the areas keeping in view the constitutional and legal provisions.
Facing an epidemic situation will have to hand over the responsibility of elections to the system and endanger the health and lives of the system as well as ordinary citizens.
The system involved in the Covid 15 epidemic will be disrupted and the ongoing campaign against the epidemic will be hampered.
Therefore, the general elections of local bodies to be held in November 2020 have been postponed for the next three months. And after three months will review the epidemic situation and decide to hold elections. Name in detail of the number
(3) taken from the reading. 5L.P. pending in the Supreme Court. No, Interlocutory Application was filed in 30635/2015.
The Hon'ble Supreme Court has given an interim judgment in the above Interlocutory Application from 09/12/2050. "Election of all local bodies shall be completed by the end of February, 2021.
In the meantime, we are of the view that the Chief Executive officer (whatever designation called in each local body) shall carry on necessary functions without taking any policy decision.
so that all local bodies will be smoothly run till the newly elected bodies take charges.
We make it clear that as per the constitutional provision of article 243E and 243U the tenure of elected bodies is only for five years from the date appointed for its first meeting and no longer. After expiry of the tenure in the month of December - 2020
It goes without saying that elected bodies shall cease to function and as submitted fresh steps for constituting the fresh elected bodies shall be under taken within the time stated hereinabove. "
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At the end of careful consideration by the State Government, the order is made so that the term mentioned in Appendix (1) and Appendix expires.
Until the general elections of 21 District Panchayats and 21 Taluka Panchayats of the state are held, the District Development Officer and the Taluka Development Officer, who are currently the administrative heads of the concerned District Panchayats and Taluka Panchayats, will carry out their day to day work but policy decisions cannot be taken during this period. By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name,
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