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Thursday, 3 June 2021

Government launched Whatsapp based XraySetu feature,

Xray app covers the full range of common medical radiological problems.

To know whether Corona is there or not, the government launched Whatsapp based XraySetu feature, find out how this feature will work

The chest radiograph is a very commonly requested examination and it is probably the hardest plain film to interpret correctly. It is, however, often performed out of hours with interpretation undertaken by relatively junior members of staff, frequently with no senior radiological advice available. All the X-rays are accompanied by a simple line diagram outlining where the abnormality is.

The app features over 300 high quality images, along with a range of case story images designed to enable readers to test and develop their interpretation skills. Text on improving X-ray and other diagnostic imaging test interpretation skills, for students and radiologists.

  • Covers the full range of common radiological problems.
  • Includes valuable advice on how to examine an X-ray.
  • Assists the doctor in determining the nature of the abnormality.
  • Points the clinician towards a possible differential diagnosis.
  • Now presented in two-colour to enhance the appearance of the text.
  • New material includes an introduction to thoracic CT scanning indicating the usefulness of these scans where appropriate.

A chest X-ray test is a very common, non-invasive radiology test that produces an image of the chest and the internal organs. To produce a chest X-ray test, the chest is briefly exposed to radiation from an X-ray machine and an image is produced on a film or into a digital computer. Chest X-ray is also referred to as a chest radiograph, chest roentgenogram, or CXR.

By the end of this lecture, the learner will be able to:

Utilize a systematic and reliable approach in CXR evaluation

Correlate basic CXR findings with clinical evaluation in order to reach a diagnosis

In general, a chest X-ray test is a simple, quick, inexpensive, and relatively harmless procedure with minimal risk of radiation.

Interpreting Medical X-Rays is an excellent, simple app is reasonably written and would be recommended to all healthcare professionals who are involved with the interpretation of plain chest radiographs.' 

Interpreting Chest X-Rays was a delight to read and review. It is a concise text that covers the basics of chest radiography.

Radiological imaging is now accessible to a wide range of healthcare workers, many of whom are increasingly taking on extended roles. This app will equip all healthcare professionals, including medical students, chest physicians, radiographers and radiologists, with the techniques and knowledge required to interpret plain chest radiographs.

It is not an exhaustive text, but concentrates on interpretive skills and pattern recognition – these help the reader to understand the pitfalls and spot the clues that will allow them to correctly interpret the chest X-rays they will encounter in their daily practice.

The app features over 300 high quality images, along with a range of case story images designed to enable readers to test and develop their interpretation skills.

Interpreting Chest X-Rays is a handy ready reference that will help you to avoid making errors interpreting chest X-rays and decide, for example:

This feature is currently available for free

Sony said the facility will be available for free for the next 6-8 months, though the cost will be kept below Rs 100 if required.  The facility has been in operation since last week and has been used by 500 doctors.  A network of 10,000 doctors is planned in the next 15 days.

How XraySetu will work

  • For a health checkup the doctor has to go to and then click on the 'Try the Free X-raySetu Beta' button.
  • The platform will now take you to another page where you can choose a WhatsApp-based chatbot via a web or smartphone app.
  • Here the doctor will be asked to send a WhatsApp message to +91 8046163838 to start the service of XraySetu.
  • All you have to do is click an X-ray of the patient and a two-page automated report will be available within minutes.
  • If a person has corona, the report will also state that the patient needs immediate medical attention.


1 Technique 

2 Anatomy 

3 In-built errors of interpretation 

4 The fundamentals of CXR interpretation 

5 Pattern recognition 

6 Abnormalities of the thoracic cage and chest wall 

7 Lung tumours 

8 Pneumonias

9 Chronic airways disease 

10 Diffuse lung disease 

11 Pleural disease 

12 Left heart failure 

13 The heart and great vessels 

14 Pulmonary embolic disease 

15 The mediastinum

16 The ITU chest X-ray 

17 The story films

If you like this Application please consider leaving a positive review and/or rating for it in the store.

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