Elections enable every adult citizen of the country to participate in the process ofgovernment formation. You must have observed that elections are held in our country. These include elections to elect members of the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha,State Legislative Assemblies (Vidhan Sabhas) Legislative Councils (Vidhan Parishad) andof, President and Vice-President of India. Elections are also held for local bodies such asmunicipalities, municipal corporations and Panchayati Raj justifications.
Instructors are extraordinary wellsprings of information, success and edification to which anybody can be profited for entire life. They fill in as the genuine light in everybody’s life as they help understudies to make their routes in the life. They are the God skilled individuals throughout everybody’s life who lead us towards progress with no self-centeredness. Truly, we can call them as manufacturers of the stunning eventual fate of our country through training.
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Instructor assumes exceptionally basic job in the field of training who shows understudies pleasantly to be an individual of good and conduct. They make understudies scholastically amazing and consistently urge to improve in the life. They outfit understudies with loads of information, aptitudes and uplifting demeanors so understudies can never feel lost and proceed. They help understudies to get secure with their objectives of instruction through clear vision and thoughts. Without educators in the existence one can’t develop intellectually, socially and mentally.
An educator is a decent individual who assumes significant liability of getting down to business the lives of youthful ones and naive kids. They get extraordinary inclination, pride and genuine happiness in their life by showing their understudies on the correct way. They never do any sort of inclination between fortunate or unfortunate understudies rather they generally attempt to expedite terrible one the correct way through their loads of endeavors. A decent educator is somebody who consumed their entire time on earth in giving quality training to their understudies. They push every one of the understudies to put forth a valiant effort. They make learning process extremely intriguing just as inventive. Educators attempt their best to expedite every one of the understudies the correct track by inspiration them decidedly towards study. Great educators leave great impression over their understudies.
If you have attainedthe age of 18, you must have voted in some of these elections. If not, you will have theopportunity to vote in the next round of elections. These elections are held on the basis ofuniversal adult franchise, which means all Indians of 18 years of age and above have theright to vote, irrespective of their caste, colour, religion, sex or place of birth.
Election is a complex exercise. It involves schedules rules and machinery. This lesson willgive you a clear picture of the voting procedure, as also about filing of nominations, theirscrutiny and the campaigns carried out by the parties and the candidates before actualpolling. In this lesson you will read about the Election Commission, electoral system inIndia and also some suggestions for electoral reforms.Objectives After studying this lesson, you will be able toldescribe the composition of the Election Commission of India enumerate the functions the Election Commission and explain its role recall the procedure of election from the announcement of schedule, to the declarationof the result mention various stages in the electoral process recognise the poll-related officers and describe their functions identify the drawbacks and need for electoral reforms suggest the electoral reforms and those already carried on.
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In order to conduct free and fair elections in India, Election Commission as an impartialbody has been established by the Constitution itself. It is a three-member body. The mainfunctions of the Election Commission are to delimit the constituencies, recognise the politicalparties, allot the symbols, and appoint officials to conduct and supervise the elections, Theelectoral process begins with the issue of notification by the President. The ElectionCommission releases the schedule for election and, issues model code of conduct to befollowed during elections. The contesting candidates file their nomination papers. Theirpapers are scrutinised by the concerned Returning Officers after which they are eitheraccepted or rejected. The candidates can also withdraw their nominations.
During theelection campaign, political parties and their candidate release their respective ElectionManifestos. A large number of public meetings, and door-to-door campaign are organised and the electronic media, TV and Radio etc. are used to win the people’s confidence. Onthe polling day the Election Commission ensures that voters cast their votes in free andfair manner. The candidate who secures highest number of votes in a constituency isdeclared elected.
Recently Electronic Voting Machine has been introduced, it has replaced the use of ballotpapers and ballot boxes. This change has yielded positive outcomes, as no bogus voting,rigging or booth capturing can happen now, and the counting can be completed in no time.Though Election Commission tries its best to conduct free and fair elections our electoralsystem is faced with the problems like use of money and muscle powers, and other corruptpractices. To avoid all this certain electoral reforms have been introduced from time to time.
They outfit understudies with heaps of information, abilities and inspirational mentalities so understudies can never feel lost and proceed. They help understudies to get secure with their objectives of training through clear vision and thoughts. Without educators in the existence one can’t develop intellectually, socially and mentally.
They push every one of the understudies to give a valiant effort. They make learning process intriguing just as innovative. Educators attempt their best to expedite every one of the understudies the correct track by inspiration them emphatically towards study. Great educators leave great impression over their understudies.
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