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Saturday, 8 January 2022

Follow these tips for a quick recovery if you get caught in Corona

Cases of the new variant of Corona 'Omicron' are spreading like wildfire all over the world. More than 1 lakh cases have been reported in 6 countries in 24 hours. The third wave of corona cases has started in the country. No, Narayan, if you get caught up in this wave, you need to make efforts for a speedy recovery. Here are some tips to help you avoid the risk of long covid in the future. Follow these 5 tips for that....

Follow these tips for a quick recovery if you get caught in Corona

1. Keep the body hydrated

It is important to drink the right amount of water to recover quickly from corona. Staying hydrated helps in recovery from corona, says Australian scientist Robert Boy. It allows all the functions of the body to function properly.

2. Get enough rest

Rest is essential for recovery from any illness. In Corona the doctor advises to give maximum rest to the body. So this advice should not be ignored. Not getting enough rest can lead to the risk of long covid.

3. Eat a diet rich in nutrition

At the time of illness, the body is deficient in important nutrients. So eat a diet rich in maximum nutrients. Don't eat fried, spicy foods. Avoid junk food, soft drinks and alcohol at all.

Follow these tips for a quick recovery if you get caught in Corona

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપૂર્ણ રિપોર્ટ ગુજરાતીમા

4. Regular Exercises

Exercise lightly every day to keep your body healthy and fit. Can do pranayama like Anulom Vilom, Kapal Bhati. His respiratory system becomes stronger. Apart from this, if you like a workout, you can continue it after recovering from covid.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી માહિતી 


5. Also take care of mental health

Corona epidemics affect our body as well as our mental health. Anxiety and stress can make the illness worse. Strengthen your morale by doing meditation and yoga. You can also develop new hobbies during recovery.

Disclaimer: Follow the advice given in this article only. Consult a doctor before following any type of remedy / medicine / diet.

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