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Friday, 30 December 2022

Men's Care & Products: Online Doctor Consults, Hair, Skin, Sexual Health, Beard

Men's Care & Products: Online Doctor Consults, Hair, Skin, Sexual Health, Beard

Man Matters App is a one-stop digital wellbeing & telehealth platform that provides holistic solutions for men’s health & wellness. This involves holistic health & wellness products designed particularly for men involving hair care, skin health, sexual health, personal hygiene, sleep, weight, beard care & more.

We at Man Matters understand that men require personalised solutions for their problems & cater to all things related to men’s health & wellness, including FREE Doctor Consultations.

We got Offers for YOU:
Promo Code: MM100 to get Rs.100 OFF on Man Matters Products & Complimentary Online Doctor Consults for new users.

Man Matters App Features-

📞– Free Video Doctor Consultation
♂ – Dedicated Men’s Community
🔎 – User-Friendly Search for 100+ Men Products
ðŸ’ļ – Exclusive Discounts & Best of Grooming App Offers
🚚 – Express delivery across PAN India
🛰️ – Track Order, Refund, & Return Status
ðŸ’ģ – Earn Cashbacks in Man Matters Wallet
🔐 – Secure & Quick Payment
ðŸ‘ĐðŸŧ‍ðŸ’ŧ – Prompt Customer Service

Why Man Matters?

🔆FREE Online Doctor Consults: Yes, we care about solving men’s wellness & health & provide free online doctor consultations! Take a free online doctor consultation from our 65+ doctors & healthcare specialists panel. Understanding your health has become easier with our telehealth option with personalised solutions. Our Online health experts include Dermatologists, Trichologists, Urologists, Sexologists, General Physicians, Nutritionists & Dieticians.  Schedule a Free online doctor consult & speak to an expert from the comforts of your home, hassle-free!

🔆Wellness Assessment: Helps you get personalised, free advice from a doctor based on your concern. This helps you consult online doctor with a holistic treatment plan & unlimited free follow-ups.

🔆Hair Care: Science-backed, customised men’s hair care products for hair treatment, regrowth, baldness, dandruff, itchy scalp, greying, overall maintenance & treat hairfall, making it a holistic approach to hair loss treatment for men.

🔆Beard Care: Customised products for beard growth, regrowth, thickness, hydration & overall beard care maintenance with clinically proven ingredients.

🔆Skin Care: Personalised  Men’s skincare products & wellness - treat pimples, active acne, dark spots, dull & dry skin, pigmentation, fine lines, & others.

🔆Sexual Health: Science-backed, medically approved men’s sexual health & wellness products, specially designed to improve sexual health by health experts & made-safe certified.

🔆Weight Management: Expert-designed weight management & gut health products made with lab-tested & clinically proven ingredients.

🔆Sleep Cycle: Sleep better & faster with customised health products that understand men’s wellness requirements because sleep matters.

🔆Build Your Own Customised Regime: Option to create personalised men’s grooming kits with your own set of health care products from our popular wellness categories.

🔆Healthcare & Wellness Blog: A one-stop place where you can read everything related to men’s care, health & wellness.

🔆Men’s Community: Exclusive community for men to discuss all problems & issues.

🔆Dedicated Grooming App: A holistic grooming app addressing men's various needs, from skin care and beard care to how to improve sexual health & much more.

Man Matters also promises other telehealth & digital wellbeing benefits such as:
#1 Connect with the best doctor in just 60 seconds
#2 100% safe & secure online doctor consults
#3 Follow-up with a free digital doctor chat

Why Buy Man Matters Products?
✅Science-Backed Wellness & Health Products- Hair, Skin, Beard, Skin Health, Sleep, Personal Hygiene, Weight Management Products
✅Designed by Health Experts & Doctors
✅Clinically Tested & Proven Ingredients
✅No Toxins or Harmful Chemicals
✅MadeSafe Certified Products
✅FREE Online Doctor Consults

What's New

The cricket fever has gotten to our developers. They decided to focus on getting wickets of team bugs and hit boundaries by introducing performance updates.

This update pushes the boundaries when it comes to delivering the best experiences for buying our products, connecting with other folks on a similar journey, and documenting your progress. We hope you enjoy this update!

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Healthshots - Women Health, Period Tracker & Calendar, Female Fitness Workouts.

Healthshots - Women Health, Period Tracker & Calendar, Female Fitness Workouts.

HealthShots is a premium women's health and wellness digital platform, which provides expert-backed multimedia content and diverse tools to keep a check on their well-being. Equipped with a period tracker and a step counter, the HealthShots app will help you tap into the rich reservoir of health-related content. Find expert-backed tips on health, nutrition, fitness, beauty, weight loss, mental health, menstrual health, sexual health, and more. Its specially-tailored period tracker can help women chart their menstrual cycle and understand their periods. It will help you track your ovulation period and plan or avoid a pregnancy. If you're looking at taking your health into your hands, this easy-to-navigate Health app enables you to look for all-around preventive care solutions.

Whether you are working on fitness, want peace of mind, looking to regularize your period cycle, trying to decode symptoms of health issues, or seeking tips to keep diseases at bay, it's a perfect virtual friend to have. It is a safe space where you can discuss your most intimate issues and share challenges that plague your emotional health.

Period tracker

Right from tips and tricks on how to make your menstrual cycle regular and how to boost your fertility to understanding your period pattern, we help you do it all.
Our period tracker will tell you when you are the most fertile, what your PMS is going to look like, and when your next period is likely to arrive.

But that’s not all! You can also tap into articles, videos, and podcasts on menstrual health backed by gynecologists and medical experts.

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For fitness aficionados, HealthShots gives practical advice on how to stay fit, lose extra kilos, and gain muscle. With the step tracker, keep a close eye on your activity statistics. Whether you're a beginner or expert, there's something for every fitness-conscious person.


Stressed at work or anxious in personal relationships? Women have a lot to deal with when it comes to mental health. Learn about signs and symptoms, and know how to deal with them.

Preventive Care

Prevention is not the first step to cure. Awareness is. And so, HealthShots is here to make you aware of a range of health problems that can plague your life if you don't care. So, be it or yourself, your parents, or your spouse—we help you care for those who matter the most to you.

Healthy Eating

You are what you eat, after all! HealthShots gives you easy tips and tricks on nutrition, superfoods, and healthy recipes.

Intimate Health

Got burning questions about your sexual health, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and more? We are here to help you answer them all.

Find wholesome hacks for women's skincare and hair care needs. Natural cures suggested by top experts and dermatologists will give women a chance to give themselves the TLC they deserve.

She Slays

Meet health and wellness champions who have overcome the most unimaginable obstacles to carve a path to success and happiness for themselves.

Mom Says

From parenting advice to 'nuskhas' that every female needs, this is the place for mothers and daughters alike.

Health News

Get the latest updates on all things health—from scientists, medical establishments, and doctors—here.

Multimedia offerings

On the HealthShots app, not only can you find in-depth articles backed by some of the best medical experts in the country but also watch informative video content on the go.

And if podcasts are your thing, we have a plethora of audio content on the app for you—with which, you can learn about your menstrual and sexual health.

Share what you love

Through the HealthShots app, you can share the content you love via Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp—all thanks to our simple and user-friendly interface.

Get your hands on the latest medical research; exclusive content on fitness, beauty, mental wellness, and healthy eating; and watch inspiring stories of women like you.

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Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Shala Siddhi School achievement Program 2022 | Self-Assessment & External Evaluation @shaala

Shala Siddhi School achievement Program 2022 | Self-Assessment & External Evaluation @shaala

Related Topics:
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Self-evaluation is an annual process in schools.  While external-evaluation is done once in three years in every school.  The time and date for external assessment under the School Achievement Program is determined in consultation with the school.

➡️ Primary schools will undergo self-evaluation and external evaluation for the first time.

➡️ Along with primary schools, 1865 secondary schools will also be evaluated

➡️ After 100 percent of schools are self-assessed, one-third of them will be externally evaluated.

Shaala siddhi pdf 2022-23

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School Achievement Program 2022

As per the above theme and reference, in 32940 government primary schools and 1865 state secondary schools, “School Performance” program has been implemented in PAB 2022-23 as per NIEPA New Delhi guidelines.

Self-evaluation in 100% of the schools and external evaluation in one third (1/3) of the schools self-evaluated under the "School Performance" program.

For 2022-23 schools will also be evaluated.  In this sense, the external evaluation will be carried out in 32,940 primary schools and 1,865 secondary schools in the academic year: self-assessment 2022-23 and in 1,699 secondary schools outside of the academic year: self-assessment 2021-22.

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 How to register for School Siddhi

shaala registration 2022

The "Shaala Siddhi" program has been implemented in 32,940 government primary schools and 1,865 secondary schools in the state.  In the academic year: 2022-23, these schools are required to undertake a self-assessment under the “School Performance” program as per NIEPA New Delhi guidelines.

Details of the grants awarded under this program, the list of schools and the guidelines for internal and external evaluation are attached.

Attached are further guidelines regarding this operation.  The Nodal Official designated at the district level is requested to send the work progress report every Friday to this office at the address

Guidelines for self-assessment within the framework of the school achievement program

32,940 government primary schools and 1,865 state secondary schools will be required to undertake a self-assessment by the 2022-23 academic year under the “Shaala Siddhi” programme.

A grant has been allocated to that district office from the office here for self-assessment under the School Achievement Program. The details of which are as follows.

NIEPA is working to update the New Delhi School Achievement Portal.  Therefore, the principal of the schools in your district where the self-assessment will be conducted should retain the hard copy of the full details of the school at the school level.  This detail must be loaded when the school achievement portal is opened.

A grant of Rs.200/- per school has been allocated at the district level for the purpose of conducting self-assessment for the year 2022-23 in a total of 1865 secondary schools in the state.

A grant of Rs.550/- per school has been allocated for the expenses related to conducting the self-assessment for the year 2022-23 in a total of 32940 state government primary schools at the district level.

The self-assessment must be completed in the month of December as per the detailed guidelines given by all the Shiksha.

The following points should be considered regarding self-assessment in elementary and secondary schools.  (Self-assessment is done for the first time in elementary schools.)

1. Under the “School Achievement” program in 32940 state government primary schools, self-assessment at the school level, in which the school principal together with the members of the SMC will be regularly present to carry out the assessment work

2. In the evaluation process in primary schools, first before starting the evaluation process based on GSQAC (Score 2.0), SMC members regarding the details of school grades, details of unit tests of the children, the details of the semester and annual tests, as well as the physical and academic development of the school and special activities carried out by the children.  to argue with

3. The principal together with the SMC members will conduct the evaluation based on the details
 the evaluation format prepared by NIEPA New Delhi.

4. Prepare the evaluation report and send the report to CRC Co. Take the self-assessment on the day CRC Co. visits the school.

5. Necessary stationery costs related to school evaluation may also be incurred. On the day of the school level self-assessment, members present on the day of the tea and coffee break will be able to pay separately.

6. By CRC Co. As per the prescribed format, school report (Tarij Prataka) will be added and sent to BRC, BRC will send taluka attache to district and district attache to state office.

7. CRC High School Assessment Report, will give to the State Office through BRC and the District. Said grant will be auditable and the expenditure of the grant will be subject to the current expenditure regulations of the State Government

Shaala Siddhi format 2022 | shaala siddhi external evaluation login

The external evaluation will be done for the year 2021-22.

For external evaluation of schools, Inspector of Secondary Education, Teacher of Diet, Assistant Inspector of Education, Principal of Model School, Principal of Model Day School, State Award Teacher, Retired High School Principal, B.R.C.C.O.  Select CRC Coordinator/Coordinator, and High School Principal.

Include on the team the principal of a different high school than the school to be evaluated for the evaluation.

The external evaluation must be done in the schools forming a team of 3 members.  In which the CRC Coordinator will be as a member.

The organization of the monitoring team regarding the external evaluation should be prepared by the Nodal Shri of School Siddhi at the district level k) To be approved by the Hon. Education Officer of the District.

The official/employee who attends the external evaluation will be considered in service.  A grant has been allocated to that district office from the office here for external evaluation under the School Performance Program.

Details of the planning for the external evaluation should be sent to this office.

The external assessment must be completed in the month of January as per the detailed guidelines provided by the entire Shiksha.  For external evaluation, the guidelines must be verified on the established basis.

NIEPA is working to update the New Delhi School Achievement Portal.  Therefore, a copy of the details of the schools to be externally assessed should be kept with the cluster CRC coordinator.  When the portal related to the external evaluation is opened, the CRC Coordinator must fill in this detail on the portal.  Rs 100 per school has been allocated for the incidental expenses of the external assessment of 1699 secondary schools during the 2021-22 academic year of the self-assessment conducted in secondary schools.

A grant of Rs.100/- per person has been allocated at the district level as a prize to 3 members who will go as assessors for 1699 secondary schools (externally assessed schools) from the self-assessed schools of the year 2021-22

Said subsidy will be auditable and the spending of the subsidy will be subject to the current spending regulations of the State Government.

Important Links:

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Monday, 26 December 2022

Miss Call Hear the Story Make a Miss Call on 6357390234 and listen to the story

Miss Call Hear the Story Make a Miss Call on 6357390234 and listen to the story

Kids' English picture books, Customized learning plan, cartoon videos

PalFish English is an online picture book library for all kids from 2 to 12! PalFish English offers kids  online reading experience. Enjoy picture book anytime, anywhere. Read with PalFish English, Learn with Fun!

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With PalFish English, kids can browse countless well-known picture books and enjoy screen time with knowledge and fun.

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For PalFish subscriptions, you can manage and cancel through Management Page on Store.

🙂We want to hear your voice
PalFish Team seeks for better user experience, we are more than happy to hear voices from you. Please send your feedback to and our support team will reply shortly.

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Saturday, 24 December 2022

Research 360 App: 360° Stock Market Analysis at Your Fingertips

Get expert value research insights on latest & upcoming stocks, ipos & fno

Research 360 App: 360° Stock Market Analysis at Your Fingertips

Gone are the days when the stock market analysis was a tedious and time-consuming task. While the stock market is complex and ever-changing, the Research 360 mobile app has made it easier than ever to stay on top of the latest market news and technical stock analysis.

The brainchild of Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited (MoFSL), the Research 360 app covers both fundamental and technical parameters, making it ideal for both novice and experienced investors.

Whether you're a young investor just getting started or a seasoned trader looking for advanced stock market research tools, this app has everything you need. Plus, its exceptional user interface makes it easy to use and navigate.

Let’s explore the benefits and features of this unique platform.

Benefits of the Research 360 App
Get real-time stock market news and updates: Stay up to date with all the latest stock news. This is essential for making informed investment decisions.
Use technical stock analyzer tools: The app provides access to powerful technical analysis tools that can help you make more informed investment decisions.

Access value research recommendations: In addition to stock news and fundamental analysis, the app also provides 35 years of valuable market research recommendations to help you choose the right stocks to invest in.

Enjoy a user-friendly interface: One of the best things about this app is that it's extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. This makes stock market analysis more convenient than ever before.

Features of the Research 360 App:

A stock screener: This is a stock screener that allows you to filter stock market quotes on various criteria, such as price, market capitalization, and more.

A heat map: The heat map feature gives you a quick overview of how different stocks are performing in real time.

Technical charts: The technical charting feature lets you view stock prices in candlestick or line chart format. This helps conduct a technical and fundamental analysis of stocks.

Customizable watchlist: You can create custom watchlists to track the stocks that you're interested in.

Get a company's ratings based on quality, valuation, and technical analysis of stocks: Consider that you have an interest in a certain stock but are unsure of whether it will be a wise investment. With this app, you can quickly check the company's ratings to get an idea of its financial health and stock market performance.

Detailed stock reports: In case you need more information about a stock, you can quickly generate a detailed stock report with all the relevant data.

Track future and options stock movements: This app lets you track future and options stock movements. This helps make informed investment decisions.

Track the portfolio of big superstar investors: One of the coolest features of this app is that you can track the portfolios of big superstar investors. This way, you can get insights into their investment strategies and learn from their successes.

Word indices: For investors interested in stock market indices, this app provides access to all the major indices around the world. This allows for easy comparison and analysis. 

Addition of Major World Indices, Sectoral Indices, & World Currencies
The latest update of the Research 360 app also includes major world indices, sectoral indices, and world currencies. With this new feature, you can quickly check how different stock market trends are performing around the world. 

The Research 360 app is a powerful tool that can help you make informed investment decisions. Whether you're a novice investor or a seasoned trader, this app has something to offer. The app is free to download and use! But it is a limited-period opportunity, so make sure you give it a try soon! You might just be surprised at how helpful it is.
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Friday, 23 December 2022

University Guide and Information Portal for USA 2023

University Guide and Information Portal for USA 2023

Help you to choose the best and the right university for you in the USA.

Compare top universities in the USA in one hit.

Watch videos, view images and read information of different topics from single or multiple universities and the country.

Best courses, Strengths and Weaknesses, Fundings, Student accommodation, admission, scholarships, fees, International exchange program, Visa international students, Undergraduate Courses, Master Courses, PhD Courses, Number of students, different Faculties and Schools of multiples universities can be compared very easily.    

General Information, visa information, economy, living cost of the country can also be found.   

Important Warning !!

Regardless whether you have downloaded this app or not,
You must not:
- Download this app outside of Google Play as it is illegal and viruses may be added by 3rd party. We are not responsible for the viruses added by 3rd party if you download from 3rd party.
- Copy, Follow or Modify any parts of this App Ideas
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Streaming Videos and icons in this app, images and information from search engine are not included in the definition of materials and contents of this app.

Actions will be taken for any infringement of intellectual property rights. We will report to FBI, Google and Apple to remove your apps and contents and impose penalty. Do not attempt.

Do not download or use this app  if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated.

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You can also get details of the opportunities like eligibility, requirements, funding, location etc.

USA Scholarships app offers latest national and international opportunities, internships, conferences for you across the world including Central Asia, South and South East Asia, Middle East, Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Oceanic region!

Curated from quality sources to make sure you get the best. There are thousands of other opportunities which may just transform your life. Give it a shot!

Alerts on Scholarships
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Location of Relevant Canadian Universities as well as what you need to Know

Why You Should Download the App:
Light App will not Use up Much Data
Smooth Intuitive and Easy to Navigate
Eliminates the need of Multiple Apps
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Provides all you need to know about Fully Funded Scholarships as well as Grants in Canada.
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Thursday, 22 December 2022

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat Application Form Download

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat Application Form Download

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat Application Form: Some population in state are not able to buy prescribed medicines,nutritious food, injections etc during the diseases like TB, cancer etc. due to their weak economic condition government have Medical Aid Scheme
 Here we share full guide about Free Medical Aid Scheme gujarat so needy person can get the benifits.

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat Arjiform Download:

All patients of any religion and caste belonging to the state of Gujarat and suffering from serious diseases like TB, leprosy, and cancer treatment are eligible for this Medical assistant SchemeAs per the government rules, some documents are required to be submitted along with this form. The form verifies under the health department of the district Panchayat and when its approved patients get money in a bank account,Our Website to Know Upcoming New Jobs, Technology Tips, Helth Tips and General Info Updates remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post,Keep visiting for more jobs and study material updates.

Under the medical aid, scheme patient is get rs 500 per month directly in their bank account. this assistance will be available to them as long as the TB patient continues their treatment. Cancer patients get 1000 rupees per month under this scheme.

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat Application Form: 

Some population in state are not able to buy prescribed medicines,nutritious food, injections etc during the diseases like TB, cancer etc. due to their weak economic condition government have Free Medical Aid Scheme. Here we share full guide about Free Medical Aid Scheme gujarat so needy person can get the benifits.

Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat Application form Download:

All patients of any religion and caste belonging to the state of Gujarat and suffering from serious diseases like TB, leprosy, and cancer treatment are eligible for this medical assistance scheme. As per the government rules, some documents are required to be submitted along with this form. The form verifies under the health department of the district Panchayat and when its approved patients get money in a bank account.

Under the medical aid, scheme patient is get rs 500 per month directly in their bank account. this assistance will be available to them as long as the TB patient continues their treatment. Cancer patients get 1000 rupees per month under this scheme.

Benifits Under The Scheme (Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat)

In severe cases of maternity, Rs. 500 per case, women with anemia are given Rs. 150, TB patient Rs. 200, cancer patient Rs. 1000, HIV AIDS patient Rs. 1000, Rs. 500 per sickle cell patient, Bleeding patient Rs.400 is paid every month until they are fully recovered.

Income limit For Medical Aid Scheme Gujarat:

The income limit for availing benefits under Free Medical Aid Scheme is fixed by the Government its not more than 1,20,000 in rural areas and 1,50,000 in urban areas.

One of “8 New Apps You Don't Want To Miss” (6/16/2012) – Mashable
“First Aid By American Red Cross is a fix for what ails you.” - Appolicious
“One of the 50 Best Apps for Parents of 2012” –
One of “10 apps that can save your life during a natural disaster” - ComplexTech

Accidents happen. The official American Red Cross First Aid app puts expert advice for everyday emergencies in your hand. Get the app and be prepared for what life brings. With videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid.

Ahora disponible en espaÃąol.

Features: • Easy to use Spanish language toggle to switch translation directly inside the app.
• Simple step-by-step instructions guide you through everyday first aid scenarios.
• Fully integrated with 9-1-1 so you can call EMS from the app at any time.
• Videos and animations make learning first aid fun and easy.
• Safety tips for everything, from severe winter weather to hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes help you prepare for emergencies.
• Preloaded content means you have instant access to all safety information at anytime, even without reception or an Internet connection. • Interactive quizzes allow you to earn badges that you can share with your friends and show off your lifesaving knowledge.

The app is ad-free and spam free.


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Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Languages 40 in Drops Application

Languages 40 in Drops Application

Drops language learning app is easy. Learning languages has never been more fun!

Join 35 million people who learn a new language with Drops. Language learning is easy! Learn to speak Spanish, Japanese, French, Korean, Chinese, German, English, and 40+ different foreign languages! Learning languages is fun and free with Drops.

Learn to speak new languages. Learn languages with Drops free app. Speak Spanish, speak French, speak Korean - you can become fluent with Drops language lessons. Learn languages, vocabulary, and foreign phrases effectively in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, German, Italian, and Hindi. Play language games and get rewards.

• Become fluent in a new language with this language learning app
• Learn to read different alphabets like Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, and Hindi
• Custom illustrations for each word makes the language easy to remember
• From beginner to expert levels, learn foreign language vocabulary
• A professionally curated vocabulary list with more than 3,000 words and phrases
• Language learning fun with game-like language lessons
• Track your language learning progress and get rewards
• Professional and correct dialect pronunciations
• Spanish learning app
• Learn to speak a different language like American English, British English, Korean, Mexican Spanish, Latin-American Spanish, Japanese, German, French, European Portuguese, Russian, Castilian Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Tagalog, Hebrew, Icelandic, Polish, Mandarin Chinese, Turkish, Cantonese Chinese, Dutch, Norwegian, Thai, Swedish, Vietnamese, Maori, Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi (Persian), Hungarian, Greek, Hindi, Danish, Samoan, Indonesian, Finnish, Serbian, Croatian, Esperanto, Estonian, Hawaiian, Ukrainian, Yoruba, Bosnian, Swahili, Igbo, Sanskrit and Ainu!

Download Application

"By focusing on visually appealing games and vocab, Drops aims to lower the barrier preventing users from exploring a new language and, ultimately, accessing the social and economic benefits knowing that language may

Awards and recognition:

🏆"App of the Year" by Facebook - 2017 EMEA Winner

🏆Loved by 60 million people worldwide

Internationally acclaimed by outlets like Business Insider, CNN, or Forbes, it's the first language learning app to launch VR & AR experiences for learning languages, featuring speech recognition and chatbot technologies. 

Download the language learning pill today and enjoy the benefits of learning a new language for life!

The secret path to language learning

Remember the language classes in school? You started with hundreds of basic words and expressions, grammar lessons and at the end of a full semester’s language course you could barely say “Hello!” to a foreigner. Mondly’s approach is different from the average language course.

The future of language courses

The app gets you started with a basic conversation between two people. You quickly start memorizing core words, use them to build sentences and phrases, and at the end you will reconstruct the conversation with your voice. Speech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms make the app effective for learning languages.

The key features that make Mondly a great tutor for you:

Crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors 

Learn pronunciation from conversations between native speakers.

State-of-the-art Speech Recognition 

Mondly listens as you pronounce words and phrases. You will get positive feedback if you speak clearly and correctly.

Useful phrases for real situations 

Memorizing isolated words is not the way to learn a language. Mondly teaches you vocabulary through core words and phrases. It breaks the learning process down into short lessons and puts them into themed packs.

Learn from conversations 

Conversation is the main reason to take this free course. It will help you build a core vocabulary with widely-used nouns and verbs.

Verb conjugations 

Learn more from this course. Tap the verbs and get the full conjugation, including the translation. It’s faster and better than a dictionary.

Advanced Statistics 

The App uses intelligent reporting, so you can always follow your progress. Build your vocabulary step by step and become better.

The Leaderboard 

See how your friends are doing and compete with people from all over the world to become the best learner.

Adaptive Learning 

People learn differently. So we taught the app to learn from your way of learning. Mondly will become your own guide and customized teacher.

At the end of these language lessons, you will master the most useful 5000 words and phrases, getting you on the fast lane to learning a new language!

 provide." - TechCrunch. Featured by CNET, Forbes, VentureBeat and many others!

Learn a new language today! Language learning is easy. Learn languages while playing games. Learn a new language with this free app. Learn to speak Spanish and English. Easy Spanish learning app. Learn to speak and read new languages today! Learn a new language like Chinese or Korean. Learning languages is fun with Drops. Learn Spanish and learn Korean for free with this language learning app.

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Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Name Meaning App | Know Your Name meaning in Hindi | Name Meaning Best App 2022

Name Meaning App | Know Your Name meaning in Hindi | Name Meaning Best App 2022

Know the meaning of your name and various information regarding your name.

Find out your Name Meaning today! You can also find out the Name Meanings for your favorite BFF's and celebrities.

Take the name meaning test and show the results of the test with friends. Name meaning is a great app to play with your BFF's and family. Works for both boys and girls.

Now you can share your name meanings just by clicking the share button. Name Meaning allows you to share with your friends and followers.

Looking for a name for a baby? Figure out what it means with this app! Works for both boys and girls.

What are you waiting for? Give our Name Meaning test a try and find out what does my name mean! Install the Name Meaning today and find out what your name means.

Please note this app has been developed only for entertainment  purpose's and has no intention to hurt the user feelings.

What does my name mean? Find out today with our Name Meaning app! We hope you love our app and find out what your name means. All feedback is welcome

What does your name mean?
Name Meaning is a free, fun App designed to calculate and show the meaning,Origin,Rashi,Lucky Rudraksha,Lucky Gemstone,Name Numerology of your name or any name in hindi.
Try it out and find out what your name really means. Are you the sad/melancholic type? Or the happy/joyful? 
Find out with Name Meaning! You can also find out the Name Meanings for your favorite artists, singers, actors, celebrities, personalities and roles models!
Learn about your name and number compatibility with other names and numbers.

Now you can share your name meanings just by clicking the share button. 
Name Meaning allows you to share with your friends and followers through and any social network, sharing app or texting app you have on your phone!


• This app reveals the secrets within names. You can discover the meaning of your name or learn the hidden traits that are revealed in another’s’ name.

• Discover what a single letter can reveal about you for FREE.

• Learn what your first name says about you and what others know about you immediately.

• Helps you decide if the person you just met is a keeper or a creeper.

• Discover the gifts and challenges hidden names.

• Be able to quickly decide if you wish to engage with someone

• See what kind of gifts another person enjoys

• Origin

• Lucky Rudraksha

• Lucky Gemstone

• Name Numerology

• It’s FREE and offline so download it now and find out what your name reveals about you or other people in your life.

Important Link:

Download App: Click Here

My Name Meaning is easy to use the app:
1. Enter your name to get the meaning of your name.
2. Chose one of the many photo backgrounds that you want your name to appear on.
3. You can Choose Text Color to make name meaning appear in different colors.
4. You change the meaning of the name by Selecting different words for each alphabet.
5. Create Best-looking Name Posters.
6. Save and Share your Name Meaning with friends and family.

Now, Name Meaning includes the following additional features:
Baby Names and Name Meanings - Baby name meanings are included now.

Popular Baby Names - Popular Baby Names in the US and their meanings now part of Name Meanings.

Name Live Wallpapers -Name wallpapers now included.

Name Love Wallpaper - Love wallpaper with 2 names can be created now.

Create My Name Meaning Posters and share them with anyone using social media.

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Monday, 19 December 2022

Make your life easy with SwiftChat convegenius

Make your life easy with SwiftChat convegenius 

While technology and apps have made our lives complicated, SwiftChat is here to help you do everything you love pretty easily. 😉

You can learn a new language, get live news and sports updates, improve your GK, challenge your knowledge of movies and sports, practice maths, and find a library full of videos... there are plenty more chatbots on this platform, but that's all we could say in one breath. ðŸĪ­

With SwiftChat, sab kuch bahut easy hai. Download the app and enjoy new bots every month. ðŸĪ“

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āŠ—ુāŠĢāŠĻી āŠāŠĻ્āŠŸ્āŠ°ી āŠ•āŠ°āŠĩા Xamta chatbot on SwiftChat āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđીં āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો 

āŠŪāŠđāŠĪ્āŠĩāŠŠૂāŠ°્āŠĢ āŠēિંāŠ•

āŠŪāŠđāŠĪ્āŠĩāŠŠૂāŠ°્āŠĢ āŠēિંāŠ•

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✅ More fun with SwiftChat! Play your favourite games in the Engage section.

✅ Add your reviews about your favourite bots and see others'thoughts too.

✅ Can’t find a bot you chatted with? Search for it by its name on the Chat page.

✅ Report, archive/unarchive, or block/unblock a bot as required. Check out the SwiftChat guidelines before you report or block a bot.

✅ Personalize your profile by adding your personal details.

✅ Read FAQs in settings to know answers for your future questions.

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Read all USA news through the app. The finest space for the US newspaper reader.

Read all USA news through the app. The finest space for the US newspaper reader.

USA newspaper contains 15k+ newspapers of the United States of America. Now all are in your sack. You can view news, bookmark, and share advice with others. All journals are well organized based on states of the US and the kinds of newspapers.

Features of the app
1. 15k+ newspapers list
2. 51 States category list choose your states
3. Create a favorite list
4. Bookmark news
5. Share news with your social profile
6. Get popular newspapers tab
7. Find all papers under all tab
8. States Tab
9. List of newspaper categories tab
10. Search Option to identify the specific newspaper
11. Inbox Us to assign an endorsement or include your paper
12. 6 Different themes
13. Super Optimized Settings

Stay Wake the app display when reading papers. The app loads faster and saves your mobile data. Text resizing options while reading newspapers. Clear application cache and much better.

All features are essential and helpful for reading US magazines. The app is a natural, elegant, and unique newspaper app on the Google Play Store. Because the app contains most of the American newspapers, that’s why the quantity of journals is increasing.

You also can send your own newspaper’s link to include into it or any other suggestion. Our support team will be immediate to perform feedback to you. We admire to hear from you either it may present daily US news.

Let’s get a sketch of the outstanding features of the US News app:

You can pick up most of the journal of America according to its states and types of different journals. It’ll be useful to discover out the newspaper of the specific states and categories. You still can see a search bar to look for the particular newspaper by its name.

America newspapers still have outstanding graphics features. You can get six different themes. You can pick up any of them that is the best suited for you.

USA Newspaper requires the custom friendly screen setting options. For example, stay awake to configure screen will never sleep. You can set different text sizes for suitable to read newspapers, Zoom In, Zoom Out, and much more.

Everyone can get most of the daily US newspaper throughout this app. They can read and bookmark for further reading and share the news with others in the rightest way. That is why we can believe that US newspapers are the best app from others. We expect everybody will enjoy and use the app for reading and keeping oneself updated with daily US news.


Developer Team | USA Newspapers - US News
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Friday, 16 December 2022

Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile is ushering in the next era of the Call of Duty®

Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile is ushering in the next era of the Call of Duty®


Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile is ushering in the next era of the Call of Duty® franchise, with the highest quality Battle Royale mobile game experience. Featuring epic Call of Duty: Warzone combat in gunplay, movement and vehicles; authentic content with operators, weapons, and maps; and uniquely Call of Duty: Warzone gameplay allowing for up to 120 live players in a match on mobile, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is set to redefine Battle Royale on the go. Powered by new Call of Duty 2.0 technology, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile players can share social features like friends and chat channels, XP, weapon inventories, loadouts and Battle Pass across platforms for a truly connected Call of Duty experience. Designed for mobile devices to ensure it’s best on glass, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile will feature mobile-specific events, playlists, and content, as well as control customization options to support both veterans and new recruits alike.

Earn M4-Archfiend, X12-Prince of Hell and Ghost-Condemned. Use the full-auto M4 assault rifle to its full potential with this dastardly blueprint! Complete your loadout with the semi-auto X12 pistol outfitted with the Prince of Hell camo, customize your player identity with the Dark Familiar Emblem, and personalize your weapon with the Foe’s Flame Vinyl! Pre Register now and equip all of these rewards at launch!

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile delivers authentic Call of Duty gameplay on mobile with first-class graphics and intuitive controls. Built for mobile gamers, everything from movement, aiming and weapon handling to physics, animations and sound have been optimized in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, delivering the ultimate accuracy, authenticity and performance players expect from Call of Duty.

The fan-favorite battle royale map is BACK! Get a bird’s eye view of the chaos from the top of Stadium, fight through the frigid battleground in Dam, and get a second chance at survival when you win a duel in the Gulag!

Advance your Battle Pass, earn XP, and use many of the same loadouts across Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II. Many of your fine-tuned gunsmith weapons and favorite operators will be available at launch!

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile matches feature some of the highest real player-counts for mobile battle royale.

Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile pre-registrations available on Google Play beginning September 15, 2022. Pre-registration rewards available for use upon worldwide launch - see for more details. Actual launch date(s), rewards and platform availability are subject to change. Available rewards subject to total number of pre-registrations and pre-orders at worldwide launch. Terms and conditions apply; valid in eligible countries only. Limited time only. Internet connection required. © 2022 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, MODERN WARFARE, CALL OF DUTY WARZONE, and WARZONE are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC. All rights reserved.

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Sunday, 11 December 2022

If your lips are chapped in winter, try this homemade recipe.

If your lips are chapped in winter, try this homemade recipe.

  • Always remember to use lip gloss when applying makeup. In addition, if the lips are more chapped, apply lip moisturizer and lip balm 3-4 times a day.

Lifestyle Desk: With the onset of winter, health as well as beauty can sometimes be a problem. The effects of winter are beginning to show. Then some people have the problem of cracked lips. The lips become dry. At such times, even if there is no desire, the tongue often starts moving on the lips and the saliva absorbs the moisture of the lips. Which causes the back to freeze on the lips. And it seems to explode. Then what will you do to make your lips beautiful pink at such a time .. We have brought his household tips for you.

If your lips are chapped in winter, try this homemade recipe.

Apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil or fresh cream at bedtime. It will soften your lips. Always remember to use lip gloss when applying makeup. In addition, if the lips are more chapped, apply lip moisturizer and lip balm 3-4 times a day. Apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil or fresh cream at bedtime. It will soften your lips. Always remember to use lip gloss when applying makeup. In addition, if the lips are more chapped, apply lip moisturizer and lip balm 3-4 times a day.

Apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil or fresh cream at bedtime. It will soften your lips. Always remember to use lip gloss when applying makeup. In addition, if the lips are more chapped, apply lip moisturizer and lip balm 3-4 times a day.

 Eating and drinking also play a special role behind chapped lips. Lips do not dry out and do not crack if certain care is taken in eating and drinking. There should be enough nutrients in your routine. Eat vitamin C, vitamin E, green leaf hair, vegetables and fruits according to the season. Eating and drinking also play a special role behind chapped lips. Lips do not dry out and do not crack if certain care is taken in eating and drinking. There should be enough nutrients in your routine. Eat vitamin C, vitamin E, green leaf hair, vegetables and fruits according to the season.

Eating and drinking also play a special role behind chapped lips. Lips do not dry out and do not crack if certain care is taken in eating and drinking. There should be enough nutrients in your routine. Eat vitamin C, vitamin E, green leaf hair, vegetables and fruits according to the season.

Make a cream by mixing a little honey, sugar and lemon juice. Keep this cream in the freezer. Apply this mixture on the lips. Your lips will not crack. If it is torn, it will soon turn pink. Make a cream by mixing a little honey, sugar and lemon juice. Keep this cream in the freezer. Apply this mixture on the lips. Your lips will not crack. If it is torn, it will soon turn pink.

Make a cream by mixing a little honey, sugar and lemon juice. Keep this cream in the freezer. Apply this mixture on the lips. Your lips will not crack. If it is torn, it will soon turn pink.

Home Remedies:

Increase the use of green vegetables, butter, cucumber, papaya, soybean and lentils in the diet to eliminate the problem of chapped lips. All of these things eliminate vitamin deficiencies and prevent our lips from cracking. Apart from this, while massaging the oil in the morning, dipping 3-4 drops of oil in the navel in the morning does not cause chapped lips.

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 āŠ…āŠđીંāŠĨી āŠĩાāŠšો āŠđેāŠē્āŠĨ āŠŸિāŠŠ્āŠļ āŠ—ુāŠœāŠ°ાāŠĪી āŠ°િāŠŠોāŠ°્āŠŸ 2

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For lip care, mix one and a half teaspoon of castor oil, two teaspoons of boric Vaseline and apply it lightly on the lips at least twice (before going to bed at night and before taking a bath in the morning).

Apply butter on the lips for one minute before going to bed at night. This keeps the lips soft and does not crack.

Mix three to four drops of glycerin in a teaspoon of rose water and apply it on the lips three to four times a day. This will heal chapped lips.

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Mix 25 gms of coconut oil, 25 gms of castor oil, 30 gms of white wax, 15 gms of olive oil, mix all these well and make an ointment by heating the wax lightly. Applying this on the lips before going to bed every day keeps the lips soft.

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