Easily check whether the honey is genuine or fake at home
We all know that there are many benefits to eating honey. This is why there is so much confusion in honey and sometimes it is not possible to tell whether the honey is real or fake.
Today we will show you some homemade recipes that will help you to know whether honey is genuine or fake. Read also: Tame lidhhelu ghee asli che k mix karelu janva mate ni saral gharelu rit
Hot water
The most suitable method for identifying honey is hot water. For this you fill a glass bowl with hot water, add a teaspoon of honey, if the honey is mixed with water, understand that it is mixed with honey. If it becomes a big wire and sits on the bottom, then understand that honey is real. read also: tame lidhelu milk mix karelu che k chokkhu che cheak karo
However, honey contains a small amount of sugar or jaggery.
Burning in a fire
If you don't want to check with water, you can identify the real fake with fire. Light a candle for this. Wrap Rs in a stick and apply honey on it. Roast the honey in the fire, if the rupee burns, understand that the honey is pure. If it takes time to burn, understand that it is mixed with honey. Whether honey is real or fake you can do it better in the cold. Read also: jo tamare election card kadhva nu baki hoy to aa tarikhe tamara booth lar jaao navu card apply karva
અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ 1
અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ 2
Tissue or blotting paper
Put a drop of honey on blotting or tissue paper to know the purity of honey. If mixed with honey, the paper will absorb the honey.
If pure, the honey will freeze on the paper.
Use of honey in many diseases:
1. Many children urinate in bed at night. This is called an illness. Drinking honey on the night before going to bed helps children to get rid of urinary incontinence.
Mix one teaspoon of pure honey in cold water and drink it to relieve stomach ache. There are many benefits to licking a pinch of honey mixed with a little honey. Take two bowls of basil leaves. Then drink that sauce with half a teaspoon of honey.
Mix a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it at night while sleeping. Its use clears the stomach in the morning.
Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. It cures indigestion. You should mix two black peppercorns in honey and lick it. Lick this powder with honey. Honey should be taken with a little warm water.
Mix fennel, coriander and cumin powder in honey and lick it several times a day.
A pinch of ajma powder should be taken with honey. Taking this powder three times a day kills stomach worms.
Take coriander and cumin to make a powder and mix honey and lick it slowly, it removes alpinism.
Take a bowl of fennel, coriander and parsley in equal portions. Then half a teaspoon of this powder should be consumed with honey in the morning, afternoon and evening. It relieves constipation.
Take triphala powder with honey. It cures jaundice. Take gilloy juice with 15 grams of honey twice a day. Neem leaf juice with half a teaspoon of honey should be consumed in the morning and evening.
10. Pure honey should be applied on the scalp. The headache will go away in no time. Mix half teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of desi ghee and apply on the scalp. Ghee and honey should be applied again after drying. If you have a headache due to bile, apply honey on both the earlobes. Cold honey should also be licked.
Water test
Take water in a glass and pour some honey in it to see if the sugar syrup is mixed in the honey. Remember, do not stir honey in water. Because honey is heavier than water, it settles to the bottom of a glass of water and takes a long time to dissolve on its own. Pure honey does not mix with water and freezes at the bottom of the water. But if there is a mixture of syrup in the honey, it starts dissolving automatically without stirring in water.
Vinegar can help distinguish between counterfeit honey and pure honey. Add a few drops of honey to the vinegar and water mixture. If this solution of water, vinegar and honey starts to foam, then your honey is most likely to be mixed.
Pour a little honey into a jar of plain water. Close the lid of the jar, shake it vigorously and let it freeze. The liquid will foam on the surface of the jar. In a jar containing pure honey, the foam on the water lasts longer.
Heat test
The purity of honey can also be detected at home by heat test. If we try to burn the cotton wool by dipping it in honey, the pure honey will burn quickly, while the mixed honey will be reluctant to burn. This is because the substances used to make the mixture increase the moisture content in the honey, which does not allow it to burn easily. Do this experiment carefully.
Blotting paper or paper napkin test
Take a teaspoon of honey and pour it on blotting paper or good quality paper napkin. If the honey is pure it will not suck in the paper. But if it is diluted with a variety of sugar syrups, it will start sucking on the paper and leave a wet stain on the paper.
Thumb test
Pour a little honey on the toes. Due to the high viscosity, the thick honey remains stable on the toes. When the mixed honey starts to slide lightly from the surface of the toe.
Pure honey drips longer than adulterated honey, assuming that the honey is chopped off like a chopstick.
Tissue or blotting paper
Put a drop of honey on blotting or tissue paper to know the purity of honey. If mixed with honey, the paper will absorb the honey. If pure, the honey will freeze on the pape
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